Growing Hearts

Karen Whiting Award winning author international speaker invites you to grow your heart and the hearts of your children. Come alongside Karen Whiting to splash joy and creativity into life while connecting them to God.

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“Growing Hearts All Over The Nations”

Karen Whiting is an acclaimed author and speaker, captivating hearts nationwide with her warm, engaging approach. From Malaysia to Russia, she's inspired audiences through magazines, podcasts, radio, speaking engagements, and TV. Karen excels in growing families hearts, weaving God’s Word into daily life, and leading seminars that resonate with all ages. Invite Karen to Speak at Your Conference, Meeting, or Show.

Partnered With

Nurturing Your Heart and the Hearts of Loved Ones
30+ Best-selling Books / Articles / Blog Posts / Freebies

Grow Your Heart

Growing Heart Series
real stories will nurture peace and joy in your heart

Women and Men
nourish your heart with truth, faith and tools for growth

Grow Your Family

Family Devotional Series
elementary-aged children, active engagement, character building, serving, and prayer

Kid's Devotional Books
children will understand and apply scriptures with exciting hands-on activities

Crafting & Activity Books
steam based crafts, Biblical themes, musical, literacy, motor, and movement skills

Free Resources

Access Karen Whiting's free resources, including insightful parenting articles, creative craft downloads, and engaging radio interviews. These tools, designed to enrich and support families, reflect Karen's expertise and passion for fostering strong family bonds.

Interview Clips

Handmade Star Glider

The Prayer That I Prayed When I Was 10 Years 0ld

The Threefold Purpose of Bread

Recent Posts

Joy in all circumstances

We can choose joy! We can be thankful God is in control and smile. We can look back and see how God used our circumstances to grow us, redirect us, and as a witness to others. Listen to my story on the counter-culture mom show with host Tine Griffin and what happened when one of my sons was bullied and the teacher blamed him, when we faced natural diasters, more

Recent travel to Israel

Honored to be chosen as one of four US journalists by the Ministry of Israel, I thoroughly enjoyed traveling there in June. We were trated as VIP guests and stayed in top hotels plus saw some behind the scene things like El Araj, an archeology dig not open to the public. Check out the rticle I wrote about archeology confirming our faith that I wrote from the perspective os seeing sites in person. Here are a few of my photos. Tel Aviv             more

Add Joy to Life!

 A new book by Karen Whiting and Pam Farrel We can choose joy! It starts with developing inner joy. That’s a real abiding joy from God. Then we can create more joy in our relationships, choose joy in all situations, and learn to spread joy.  The true stories of people who have discovered and chosen joy will inspire you to develop more joy.  Daily Choose Joy tips help you apply ideas presented to more