Essential tools to getting published

Query letter samples for articles
3 pitches for articles

Samples of how to pitch an article


One sheet for book idea
sampe of presenting a book idea in one page

one sheet to pitch book idea with elements needed such as hook, contents (short synopsis for fiction), audience, buyer motivation


Bookmarks as a marketing tool
ways to use bookmarks to pomote books


Practicing the pitch
How to refine idea into a short pitch

polishing a pitch to showcase audience, need, and uniqueness of book idea


Proposal elements
What really goes into a proposal and why

Elements needed for a great proposal and importance of each.


Catolog of ideas
Indexed list of ideas for books and articles divided by genre

Easy way to share more ideas with an editor or agent at a brief meeting


Writing Devotions
Share wisdom and hope with devotions

Some of the basics on writing devotions so they will touch hearts, inspire faith, and bring hope to readers.