Time Saving Tips

From Karen's 101 Time Saving Tips



 1. Clean light bulbs to increase light by 50 percent and save time squinting to read
 2. Clean up a dropped egg fast- sprinkle salt on it
 3. Set up a gift wrap center with all supplies-tape, scissors, bows, paper
 4. Keep track of new gadgets and ask friends what works.
 5. Keep blank index cards in purse for note/ideas.
 6. Keep small task items in cars and/or near phones to fill wait time. (Note cards, book, etc.)
 7. Keep a box for items to give away and give contents away regularly.
 8. Keep an empty box in vehicles to hold loose items.


 1. Keep your word. To give in to whines after making a decision greatly increases time children spend arguing in the future.
 2. Delegate chores. Young children can put away toys, clothes and even help with laundry, cooking, and cleaning.
 3. Use incentives. Save snacks and dessert for rewards after homework or chores are completed.
 4. Teach children to keep school items together to save on hunting for them.
 5. Train children to spend 5 minutes every morning making bed.
 6. Teach children to clean up one toy before taking out another.
 7. Tape envelope with game directions inside lid of game.
 8. Teach your child to make simple snacks and clean up after eating.
 9. Train children to spend 5 minutes nightly putting dirty clothes in hamper and packing for school.
 10. Fold laundry, sort mail, or do other chores while watching children bathe.