What kind of mom are you?

1. I’d love to inspire my kids imaginations (and mine too).

2. I react emotionally, especially with anger.

3. I don't let go of things. I have trouble trusting, even trusting God.

4. I’m bored and life seems dull.

5. I wish I had more time for self-care.

6. I miss appointments or events at times.

7. I can’t always find the information I need or number to call.

8. I wish our family spent more time on meaningful faith activities.

9. I don’t have the ingredients I need to make dinner.

10. I am tired of managing petty squabbles and brokering peace deals at home.

11. I don’t like messes, so we mainly use electronics, and don’t have fun together.

12. I wish I had a better plan to get and stay organized.

13. I have trouble sleeping. I worry too much.

14. I want our family to have more fun, but I don’t know what will work.

15. My children are making bad choices

16. I want my children to love others and be less selfish.